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- Arm Balance
Prep Side Crane for Beginners | Parsva Bakasana Yoga Poses Sequence
Parsva Bakasana or Side Crane Pose or Side Crow or पार्श्व बकासन Side Crane is powerful arm balance Asana. Parsva Bakasana requires a lot of balance and practice. Side Crane is a challenging yoga posture that combines core strength with side body
Intro to Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series | Vashistha Yoga
Intro to Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series is a 30 minute home practice yoga poses sequence. This Ashtanga yoga poses sequence specially design for beginners. all selection of poses in this Intro Ashtanga series are from the Primary Series or Ashtanga yoga chikitsa series.
Surya Namaskar A | Sun Salutation A in Ashtanga Yoga | 2 Minutes Yoga Health
Surya Namaskar, are traditionally performed in the morning to greet the new day. The sequence of postures of the Surya Namskar can be a complete practice in itself or can prepare you for a longer asana routine. So, Surya Namaskar is the foundatio
Chakras Awakening: How to use Breath & Nadi to activate Kundalini Power in Yoga
undalini Yoga Sadhna : Seven Chakras activation through Pranayama. Chakaras Balancing from Root to Crown Chakaras by using breathing techniques including Nadi Shodhana or Anulom Vilom Pranayam, Chandra Bhedi and Surya Bhedi. Chakras Healing : Here are 7 Chakras including Muladhara or Root Chakras, Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra, Manipura or Solar Plexus, Anahata or Heart Chakra, Vishuddha or Throat Chakara, Ajna or Third Eye Chakra and Sahasrara or Crown Chakra. Yoga Guru Dheeraj Vashistha suggesting how you activate and balance Chandra Nadi and Surya Nadi. After balancing both Nadi only we can awaken Kundalini Power and establish in Samadhi.
Nauli - Uddiyana Bandha - Agnisara | Hatha Yoga Kriya
Nauli with Uddiyana Bandha and Agnisara Kriya or Cleansing Yoga. Uddiyana Bandha stimulates and lifts the energy of the lower belly (apana vayu), to unite it with the energies localized in the navel (samana vayu) and heart (prana vayu). Agni Sara increases gastric fire; improves digestion and purifies the digestive tract of toxins. Nauli massage the internal organs, acting as internal cleansing technique. Its remove sluggishness of the stomach, intestines and liver.
Surya Namaskar: Sun Salutation in Hatha Yoga | 2 Minutes Yoga Health
Surya Namaskar ( Hatha Yoga ) is made up 12 different spinal positions. It brings great flexibility to the spine and limbs. Surya Namaskar ( Sun Salutation ) helps to regulate the breathing and focus the mind. In this video Yoga Guru Dheeraj Vashistha demonstrates one set ( or 2 rounds ) of Surya Namskar. Although the video shows non-stop way to perform two rounds of Surya Namaskar, you may break after 12th position and re-start from prayar ( or 1st ) Position. Thank you for watching Vashistha Yoga's Video..... keep watching and enjoy................
19 Yoga Poses in Lotus | Asana in Padmasana | Vashistha Yoga
19 different Yoga Poses in Padmasana or Lotus Position including: 1. Padmasana ( Lotus Pose ) 2. Supta Padmasana (sleeping lotus pose) 3. Padma Mayurasana ( Lotus Peacock Pose ) 4. Singhasana ( Lion Pose ) 5. Gupta Padmasana (Hidden Lotus Pose) 6. Garbha Pindasana ( Womb Embryo Yoga Pos
Plow Pose | Halasana | 2 Minutes Yoga Health
Halasana or Plow pose is a Basic Asana of Hatha Yoga. Traditionally Halsana has been considered a finishing pose to help the practitioner for Relaxation, Pranayama and Meditation. In this video Vashistha Yoga's Teacher Neeraj Vashistha demonstrating Halasana step by step. This asana is also called the plough pose.
Yoga for Flat Belly | Women's Health Yoga Poses | Vashistha Yoga
Through a reugular Yoga practice any one can get flat Belly Body. This core strengthing yoga pose sequecne specially will work for your tummy area of body. This Yoga move tone your abodominal muscles and burn your calories. Some of the asana will also challenge you as a advance yoga pose; will develop your sesne of balance. Through out this practice keep engage your Bandhas or Energy Locks and softness on your breath.
Utpluthi Variation | 3 Ways to Lolasana | Uprooting
Strong core or Abs is the true foundation of good Health. Just developing the surface muscles, yoga also focuses on the underlying muscles to build abdominals that are both strong as well as flexible. In this video Yoga guru Dheeraj Vashistha showing the 3 ways to do Utpluthi or Lolasana. Utpluthi is highly effective for strengthening all of the abdominal
Yoga : Improve Your Memory | Slow Alzheimer's & Dementia | Yoga Therapy | Vyfhealth
Improve your Memory with this complete yoga practice sequence including Poses, Pranayama, Mantra Kirtan and Meditation. Very Unique Yoga sequence for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients. Mange your Alzheimer's and develop your brain
Yoga for Tennis Elbow | Yoga Therapy
Yoga pose is an effective tools to cure Tennis Elbow. Yoga stretching and Non-Weight-Bearing posture can help ease the pain and reduce the stiffness associated with Tennis Elbow. Regular practice of this series can treat Tennis Elbow. Yoga Asana in this series are : Hand Stretch, Namaste Stretch, Plank