Ashtanga Yoga : Introduction, Poses and Primary Series

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is an ancient system of Yoga. Ashtanga yoga literally means “eight-limbed yoga,” as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. According to Patanjali, the path of internal purification for revealing the Universal Self consists of the following eight spiritual practices:

Yama(moral codes)
Niyama(self-purification and study)
Pranayama(breath control)
Pratyahara(sense control)
Samadhi(merging with pure existence)

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice contain lists of many different groupings of Asanas, as well as highly original teaching on Vinyasa (breathing-movement system), Drishti (gaze), Bandhas (energy locks), Mudras (symbolic hand gesture), and Philosophy

Vinyasa: Moving Meditation
Traditionally, Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga’s students learn a series of poses and practice at their own pace while a the Guru or teachers go around the room giving adjustment and personalized suggestions. In Ashtanga Vinyasa classes, poses flow one into another as synchronized by deep rhythmic breath. In this way we learn to develop mindfulness (living in present), that’s why we called it “Moving Meditation. By linking the Asana it creates a continuous flow of energy that heats up the body, bringing oxygen to the blood, nourishing the glands and internal organs, cleansing and purifying the nervous system, releasing unwanted toxins through perspiration. As the heat goes up toxins are burned up and out of the system, creating a lighter and stronger body, and a clear mind

Tristhana means the three places of attention: Asana (pose), breathing system and Dristhi (gaze or looking point). These three are very important for yoga practice, and cover three levels of purification’s of the body, nervous system and mind. They are always performed in conjunction with each other

Click here or at below image to download ‘PDF’ of Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series with Sanskrit Count

Watch+Practice : Beginner’s Ashtanga Yoga with Yogaguru Dheeraj Vashistha

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